Sunday 25 April 2010

No 116: New growth figures

FRIDAY saw the publication of Q1 2010 GDP figures, which completes a new set of not very positive economic indicators.

(Read full article here.)

Yes, the figure may be revised, but I very much doubt if it will go up to anything above 0.5%.

So, if we review the indicators again with how they have changed, what comments would you make about the current state of the UK economy?

  • CPI INFLATION: 3.4% (MARCH)  Up by 0.4%
  • UNEMPLOYMENT 8% (MARCH) Up by 0.2%
  • GDP GROWTH 0.2% (Q1 2010) Down by 0.2%
  • TRADE BALANCE -£2.1 BILLION (FEB) Down by £1.7billion

1 comment:

  1. It can be concluded that inflation is caused by cost-push factors
