Monday 18 October 2010

No 151: Here Come The Cuts........

WEDNESDAY will see the UK Government's "Comprehensive Spending Review". 

This will possibly shape the future of the UK economy for the next 5 or 10 years.

To find out all about it, download then print out this document and follow the instructions:

The UK Government has spent £1 trillion on helping the economy, and more particularly the banks, during the credit crunch.

The Conservative-Lib Dem coalition government believes that spending cuts need to be made so that government borrowing can be seriously reduced. Apart from health care which has been "ring-fenced" (protected against cuts), they are asking each department to cut somewhere between 20-25% from their spending.

On Wednesday 20th October, Chancellor George Osborne will announce the details. Nobody is sure what will be cut. However, estimates say about 600,000 government workers will lose their jobs over the next few years.

What Would You Cut....?

From the BBC, this allows you to play around with diffferent possible government spending areas that could be cut:

Stephanie Flanders video 

The BBC's Economic Correspondent gives her summary of the issues raised by the Spending Review:

What would you save and cut?

Members of the UK population give their opinions:

Further Information

Videos of 2 famous economists and their opinions

Will Hutton  - We Deserve A Fair Society

Phillip Aldrick - Cuts Are Austerity-Lite

Cut Or Spend - What the IMF Really Thinks

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